Steroids News Blog

Steroids have their place in the treatment of severe itching

Pets will have a problem with allergies at this point in the year because of the change in weather from hot to cold. They will itch a lot because of their fur and for those that are especially predisposed to allergies; they will be having a lot of problem with itching and sneezing among others.  This is simply because plants are growing and a lot of pollens are being released and this will itch and irritate animals. Pet lovers will have a lot of problems with pests like fleas and ticks that mainly affect cats and dogs. Even those who have little pets like hamsters and birds will have a problem with allergies at this point in the year. They will itch more than usual and you will notice the difference in their behavior now more than ever.

You may want to bath them and if this has not always been a habit in your pet’s life then you need to start doing so. Use a shampoo that is strong to kill the spores and other allergens.  The bath will also relieve the cat or dog of the itching on the skin. You should wash the pet as often as you can, and in the least you should do it twice in a week. This will also remove the odor that comes about when you do not wash your pet everyday. Use a conditioner after bath to kill bacteria and yeast, which also contribute to odor and itching in the body of your little pet.

It is not always that baths will prevent itching or relieve the itching in the body of your pet, so you may want to think about using antihistamines. You will administer this depending on the weight of your pet. Usually, the more the weight of your pet, the more you will have to administer antihistamines. Some of pet owners will have to ask for the opinion of a vet before administering all these drugs on their pets. When antihistamines are not working, you may want to ask your vet for other kinds of antihistamines that should take the itching down. However, there are some firms of itching that can only be taken down by steroids and this is only by the recommendation of your vet. You should never give steroids to your pet when you have not consulted the vet. Steroids will treat severe itching and the recommendation from the vet will determine just how much your pet needs, so that it is not too much or too little for your vet.  The vet will determine the dosage depending on the age and size of your pet. Steroids will be administered for a short while after which antihistamines will work well on your pet.

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